Monday 10 June 2013

An Honest Year: Liar & A Thief (Review)

Another American band today this time in the lovely sunny Florida! An Honest Year are an 5 piece pop rockers with an alternative twist.
Their song Liar & A Thief.
It's not very often I hear a song for the first time and straight away start rocking out to it but listening to this, I couldn't sit still. The very first guitar riffs have me tapping me fingers on the keyboard and by the end of the song I want to get up and dance...I can always hear the drums which is great as sometimes I find they get a little lost. Man these guitarist are good, the riffs are sweet catchy and the tempo change in the middle is brilliant.  The vocals are clear, strong and had me singing along, you can hear the Blink 182 influence in the lyrics 'She's a lair and a thief she'll tell you what you want and what you want, she'll  chew you up and spit you out' are my favourite lyrics in the song. The song slows down for those lyrics before going back to it's fast tempo, someone people might find the lyrics a bit repetitive towards the end but I think because the lyrics themselves are good it doesn't matter if they're repeated a few times.  It's a really catchy song and I couldn't resist putting it on repeat!
I'd suggest this band to anyone who likes pop punk as well as I'm reminded slightly of the old Fall Out Boy in the song.  
I reviewed a fair few songs and yes they are times when I don't want to have a listen to the song again but here I'm going to have trouble taking it off repeat.

Have a listen to Lair & A Thief
Check out An Honest Years Facebook:

Em xxx

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